Optimised SEO content writing plays an essential role in helping your brand reach your target audience in a meaningful way.
Let me use my own experience as an example. A while back, I took a tumble down a few steps. I ended up with a serious ankle sprain, tearing four ligaments in three places. I spent a lot of time looking for information. I wanted to know how to treat my injury. I wanted to know when I could expect to recover. Then I wanted to find a physio in my area. When I was looking for one, I saw a few sites. Most were useless, impersonal and cold. Then I found one that immediately made me feel better. Her site wasn’t right at the top of the search results. But it told me all I needed to know. It was written by humans, for humans. It gave me loads of help. I liked her before we’d even met. I called the next morning and made a booking on the same day.
Website copywriting goes beyond bringing in traffic to your site. It’s a bit like going into an office and being impressed from the moment you step through the door. The reception area looks stylish, the people are helpful, you know exactly where you need to go, and everyone is smiling.
Create a solid online presence for your business.
Improve SEO with optimised content and meta data.
Ensure that all pages are written in your brand voice.
Web content is the most important part of any website. Have you ever arrived on a website to find little to no content? Maybe there was some content on the home page but almost nothing useful on other pages. How long did you stay on that website?
For sites to be found in search engines, good content is essential. Things like meta descriptions help. Optimised website content for SEO is equally important. Search engines are starting to look beyond keywords for ranking, though. Quality content that informs, engages and educates is key. You want your website visitors to find information quickly and easily.
Loading up your site with keywords and hoping for the best will hurt your site. You need to understand the way search engines and humans think. You need to think beyond SEO, to provide the best possible experience to anyone who lands on your site.
SEO content writing makes it easier to reach your target audience, making your site look professional and polished, too.
Hit the button below to find out how to get started or contact me and let’s chat about how you can reach and engage your audience with tailored SEO content writing solutions.