Blog Post Ideas Your Readers Will Love
This post on how to find blog post ideas features an excerpt from my free worksheet that is available to subscribers. The guide gives you some great tips on finding topics that suit your niche. In this post, I will be sharing some tips on how to craft blog posts that are perfectly suited to what your readers want.
Whether you blog for fun or profit, one thing remains the same – finding blog post ideas is not always as easy as it seems. Many people struggle with topics. If your niche is fairly broad, it is obviously easier to find ideas. But what happens when you simply run out of things to write about? And, more importantly, how can you be sure that you are writing about topics that will engage your ideal reader?
Crafting Blog Post Ideas for Your Target Audience
Your readers crave content that is interesting, informative and inspiring. With the huge volume of content on the web today, reaching your readers has become more important than ever. It takes just seconds for a reader to decide whether your blog posts are worth reading. The best way to ensure that your posts get maximum engagement is to craft content that is genuinely appealing to your target audience.
Some ideas on how to give your readers the kind of blog post ideas that they will truly enjoy include the following:
Audience demographics. This can be tricky if your blog is very new, or has minimal traffic. The best way to learn more about your audience is to use tools such as Google Analytics, which give insight into your blog visitors. From their locations to gender, language and even interests, this sort of info can help you create blog posts that are relevant to the people who visit your blog.
Reader feedback. A great way to get insight into what your readers would like to read is to use any and all feedback you receive via blog comments, surveys, polls and questions. Likewise, social media comments can also give ideas on what people want to know/learn/read. Survey Monkey is one of the best tools for making simple yet powerful surveys.
Industry insights and trends. You can also discover topics that are important within your overall industry, through the use of tools such as Google Trends and Google Insights (you can find these under the ‘tools’ section on Think With Google). Setting up news alerts via Google on a broader topic can also be useful in giving you some ideas on industry insights that apply to your blog’s niche.
Social media. Facebook groups, Pinterest boards and Twitter trends can also be useful for getting a better idea of what content people want to see. For best results, try not to focus entirely on ‘hot’ topics if it means sacrificing originality or authenticity, however. For example, if ‘celebrity meltdowns’ is currently a hot topic, but do not really fit into your creative branding blog’s niche, then that topic is better left to the gossip blogs. ‘Celebrity websites’ on the other hand, might be a better fit.
Get input from family and friends. It’s easy to forget that people in real life can also add value to your blog post creation process. Chat with friends, family, co-workers and other people in your real life circles to see what sort of content they would like to see from your niche. Who knows – you may end up finding all sorts of ideas that you hadn’t yet considered!
For more tips on how to come up with blog post ideas, sign up to download my How to Find Amazing Blog Topics worksheet and other exclusive resources. This handy guide offers invaluable advice taken from over a decade of blogging experience.