What is Online Copywriting?
As Google and other Search Engines start to include content as a major ranking factor, there are still many myths and misconceptions on what online copywriting is all about. When people ask me what I do, and I tell them I am a web copywriter, I can see already from their confused expressions that they are about to ask the question I am asked the most…
“What does that mean?”
At this point, they usually assume that I am one of the following:
* A web designer or developer
* A legal person in charge of copyrights
* A journalist for a huge, recognised website
The answer, in fact, is none of the above.
What is Online Copywriting Then?
Online copywriting refers to writing content for the web. Not one particular site, although I may write a great deal of content for specific sites on a regular basis. Web copywriting is a type of copywriting that focuses entirely on the creation of content for websites – either for users or Search Engines and in most cases, for both.
This ranges from basic content such as a new homepage, product pages, service outline pages, blog posts, online press releases and even SEO articles that are submitted through the web. As such, web copywriters help clients increase traffic through well-written, keyword rich website pages that will help their websites fare well online.
Usually, once the term is explained, people always know exactly what I mean. After all, anyone who spends a certain amount of time will see the fruit of web copy on every page that they visit. Sadly, that doesn’t always mean it is GOOD copy, but that is another story altogether.
As the old saying goes, content is king. If you look at it that way, you could think of online copywriters as loyal servants doing their bit to serve the king. 😉