Copywriting Services Spotlight: Blogging
These days, everyone who is anyone has a blog – from huge corporate giants to bands to teenagers. If you have ever wondered how to start a blog, this post gives you more information on what blogging is all about.
Blogging is a fantastic way to reach out to your customers and keep them updated on what is going on in your company. Plus, they get a chance to interact with you and discuss products, services or any other related company updates.
A blog is a blog is a blog, right? Well, perhaps a few years ago this was the case – but in this ever-growing online sphere, bloggers need to stay ahead of the pack to keep up.
Thinking About Starting a Blog?
First thing first, what qualities make up a good blog?
* A good layout with easy navigation, clear categories and a look that fits the company brand
* Clear, well organised categories which can be navigated easily
* A good comment system with option for readers to subscribe to comments
* Ability for readers to share posts through social network channels, from Twitter to Facebook
* Ability for readers to email posts to their friends or contacts
* Regular updates and well-written content
Looks easy enough – but will that cut it in the competitive online space?
These are the basic things that readers expect to find on a blog – but there also added things that will keep them coming back. Fresh, inspiring and somewhat provocative content that gets their attention and encourages them to respond, newsletter sign-ups for readers to receive posts by email, a good ‘about us’ section to give the blog a face, social network links to company Twitter and Facebook accounts, a good reader base of loyal followers…
Ultimately, blogging is a platform to connect customers and companies online. Whether you are blogging the launch of a new product, or simply telling your customers about the pros and cons of pink poodle farming, blogging gives you a chance to reach out to the millions of potential customers out there, and bring more traffic to your company website.
So go on and give it a try, with awesome blog software like WordPress and Joomla! available, blogging has never been this easy.
Give your company a voice and connect with your audience!