Why Hire a Remote Content Writer?
With lockdown changing the way the world works, many businesses have chosen to work with a remote content writer rather than hiring someone in-house. The remote model has evolved greatly over the years. Across multiple industries, businesses are seeing the value in outsourcing work remotely. Work is no longer limited to a single country of origin, either. One of the best things about remote work is that businesses from all over the world can find help with their content, wherever they are based.

What makes a remote content writer a valuable investment for your business? Let’s take a look.
Working with a Remote Content Writer
There are a few reasons that you may decide to work with a remote content writer. You may be looking for a writer based outside of your country to save costs. You may be looking for a local writer to help you with your content without being based in an office. You may have a small, fully outsourced, with writers, website developers and SEO managers all working remotely. Whatever the reason you decide to go with the remote option, here are some benefits that make it worthwhile.
Outsourced writers save you costs
In-house teams can be costly – especially if you are a small business. Renting office space, and spending money on electricity, internet, heating and cooling, equipment, and other resources affects cash flow. When you outsource someone to work remotely, neither of you needs a physical office. All you need is a reliable internet connection and somewhere to work. This could be a home office, co-working space or anywhere else. Saved costs mean that you can put more money back into growing your business.
Outsourcing expands the talent pool
And by that, I mean that you have more access to talented, experienced writers across the globe. While there are many excellent writers in every country, having a bigger selection offers more chances to find the perfect fit for your specific needs. You might find that writers in some countries have more expertise in certain types of content. For example, you may find a larger number of ecommerce writers in one country and a wide choice of blog writers in another country. Having the opportunity to shop around will help you find the ideal person for the job.
Working with a remote content writer is easy
Thanks to project management tools, MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and other online video/call platforms, time tracking tools, cloud tools such as Google Suite, and other tools, you will find it easy to work with a remote content writer. You get to set your own deliverables and together, you and your chosen writer can work out the best plan of action. Bare in mind that most writers will not be at your beck and call 24-7, however. Remote work is flexible, and many writers will choose to work around hours that suit their schedules. If you’re hiring a writer in a different time zone, you can work out realistic time frames for meetings or other work. If you work together, you will find it much easier than hiring someone in-house.
Choosing a Remote Writer
Choosing a remote content writer isn’t as challenging as it may seem. When you know where to look for writers and what to look for making your decision, it is even easier to find the right person. These tips will help you get started.
This platform is fantastic for businesses and writers. There is no limit on location. You are able to see the experience and skills of candidates without having to search. You can put up job listings that make it clear that the position is remote. You can also browse profiles on LinkedIn to find writers who are actively looking for work. Get in touch and see if they are a good fit.
The old-school Google search approach will always be a winner. You can do a few different searches, based on remote or even freelance writers in your country or other countries. See what comes up, look for websites and get in touch with any writers who may have the skills you need for the job.
You can try social media channels, too. Pinterest, Facebook and even Instagram are all places you may find good writers. Many writers use social media to share insights and tips, giving you a sneak preview of who they are and what they offer. One thing to note here is that there are sadly many influencers who have decided to become professional writers without having much experience. If you want a social media writer, this will be perfect. If you want someone with extensive experience in blogging, website content and ecommerce content, you will want someone who does more than Instagram posts.
What else should you know?
Now that you have a better idea of why remote writers are a good choice and how to find the best writer, what else do you need to know? For starters, having clear but reasonable expectations is essential. If you have a budget, use your own currency rather than trying to get the cheapest rates when working with a writer in another country. When getting payments from international clients, many writers need to use PayPal or other platforms that charge interest. Even bank transfers can cost writers money. You will still save a great deal, thanks to fluctuating exchange rates outside of the US, UK and Europe. It’s also important to understand time zones and find ways to work around these instead of expecting your writer to be on the clock at midnight. Charging for work done rather than hours at the computer can be a good compromise.
Have a call or video chat with writers that look like a good fit. Get to know them, ask questions, find out how they work and get any other useful information. You can then tell them more about your business, what you need and how you work. This goes a long way in preventing miscommunication issues down the line. It also helps to build relationships (always important).
Be aware that not all remote writers are looking for full-time positions. Some might be looking for full-time jobs, of course. Others may be looking for part-time or contract work. Many writers want stability but still have to juggle work and other commitments. This is why chatting with writers is essential, to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
If you’d like to find out what I offer as a remote content writer, get in touch and let’s chat about your content needs.