The fine print (privacy, terms and more)
I absolutely hate spam, retargeted ads that follow me around, websites cluttered with ads (worse on my phone when I don’t have an ad-blocker) and every other type of intrusive pop-up. I also hate downloading something online only to end up getting daily messages. Even though there is value in email marketing (when done properly), it is usually not done properly, which is frustrating. Currently, I do not have any mailing lists or send out any marketing emails. At some point, I may get around to offering some content with opt-in resources. If and when that happens, you will only get what you have downloaded, in a once-off email. I prefer offering resources on my website to download for free, with no strings attached.
So, with all of this in mind, my privacy policy is simple: I never have and never will sell any type of data to anyone. Like every website, basic cookies are collected purely for functional purposes. You don’t have to accept these. As I do not ever feature any type of ads on my website, you will never have to put up with marketing cookies. You will never be added to any mailing list without consent. If you use the contact form to get in touch, the only way your email address will be used is to talk about your project needs. If you email me at any point, your email address will only ever be used for work-related purposes.
Now that we’ve got privacy sorted, what about terms and conditions? These are simple, too. All information on this website belongs to me (Rox Bradnick). You are welcome to share my blog posts or any other page on this website but you may not copy or claim any content as your own. I use free commercial use images on my website, sourced from Unsplash and other trusted sites.
My rates are set by the South African Freelancers’ Association (Safrea). When you contact me, you’ll receive my rates card, which also includes a short outline of how I work. All content delivery is done virtually, through Google Docs or MS Word. No physical products are sent.
All terms are defined by the POPI Act of South Africa. Separate clauses regarding payment are found in my invoices and quotes. Accepted quotes are considered legally binding. Any contracts signed by me (Rox Bradnick) are also considered legally binding. Any NDA signed by me (Rox Bradnick) will be considered legally binding.
For any other questions regarding my work, process and terms, contact me at hello@roxb.co.za.